Planning your Wedding in our Benefice
"A wedding is truly one of life's great moments"! Here in our four parishes of Raunds, Hargrave, Ringstead and Stanwick we want to welcome you and help you to prepare for your wedding day in a way which enables you get the most from the service and the day.
If you are planning to get married, would like to explore the possibility of a church wedding and have no idea where to start do phone the Rector, Rev. Neil Bullen on 01933 461 509 or email I will arrange to see you, help you with finding a date, explain the legalities regarding who can be married in what church and tell you something about the cost. If you decide to go ahead we can then explore the service and look at ways in which this can be made personal to you.
Banns of Marriage
The announcement of your forthcoming marriage has, by law, to be made in the three months before your wedding. The "Banns" need to be read three times during the main Sunday morning service and it is advisable that you attend. Without reading the Banns your marriage cannot take place. If one of you lives in another parish you must also have the Banns read there. You will need to contact your local church - and again we can help you find that if you don't know where to start - and arrange for the banns to be read there. The parish priest will give you a certificate which you will need to give to the Rector before the wedding.
Music and Hymns
Music is an important part of any wedding. Talk to Rev. Neil about music and hymns. This way you can start to make the day personal to you.
Fees are set by Parliament, and are available from Rev. Neil Bullen. The legal fees can be found on the Church of England website; Local fees for organist, choir, bells and verger are approved by each church council. A returnable deposit of £50.00 is payable when booking the wedding. This secures the day and time. The balance of the fees should be paid six weeks before the wedding. You are most welcome to pay in advance by instalments should you wish to do so. In St Peter's, Raunds and St Laurence, Stanwick, we are fortunate to have choirs available. This does enhance the music and adds much to the sense of occasion. Unfortunately, at the present time there is no choir at St Mary's, Ringstead. Arrangements can be made for a choir at All Hallows, Hargrave.
Fees for the bells are £150.00 for St Laurence, Stanwick, £150.00 for St Peter's, Raunds (8 bells £200.00), £100.00 for All Hallows, Hargrave, £100.00 St Mary's, Ringstead.
Please speak to Rev. Neil regarding flowers as we have flower arrangers in Church or you may choose to bring in your own florist to make floral arrangements. St Peter's does have a talented person (who organises the yearly flower festival) willing to prepare flowers to your specification for the cost of the flowers plus a donation to church funds.
Service Sheets
It is important that you discuss music, hymns, form of printing and order of service with Rev. Neil before ordering your service sheets. It is worth taking time to check that all the details are correct.
We are happy that photographs are taken in church.
Confetti is allowed, please ensure it is eco friendly and biodegradable.